CollisionScan and CollisionVend are parts of a complete perpetual inventory control system for the PBE industry. They can work separately or together to provide the collision Center complete usage tracking, automatic re-ordering, on-demand inventory reporting, and complete usage and inventory reporting. Through the use of an easy-to-install bar code scanning solution, or with the tighter controls of coil and locker vending machines, and because of the thorough integration with the ComCept.Net jobber management system, the CollisionScan and CollisionVend family of products are the complete inventory solution for the collision center.
Distributor Advantages:
Seamless integration with CollisionLinx and ComCept.Net
Product flexibility: Barcode scanning in all environments and configurable coil and locker vending machines when tighter controls are needed.
Automated ordering & inventory management
Real-time inventory counts always available and ordering is handled seamlessly through automatic on-hand inventory calculations.
Shop vend quantity/Jobber ship quantity functionality
Distributor becomes exclusive supplier of vended items
Collision Center Benefits:
Dispense, track, and account for supplies
Reduces and standardizes SKU’s used in collision center
Enforces entry of Repair Order (RO) to dispense products
Reporting by technician, machine, and by RO
Actual supplemental invoices generated by RO from distributor to shop using distributor’s logo and choice of pricing (list, cost, etc.).
Real-time perpetual inventory reporting on demand
Consolidated multiple shop reporting for operational analysis
Reduces emergency purchases
For more information on CollisionScan or CollisionVend:
Email CollisionVend@comcept.net
Or Phone 727-535-1900 and select Option 2.